Free Online File/Document Conveter

Best & secure file conveter, convert files ove cloud, all processed files automatically removed from our servers within 1 to 24 hours.

Free Online File Converter

Convert your files between any file formats, from any platform and device with our 100% free online, secure and fast file converters.

What is a File Conversion?

File conversion is the process to change the content of file structure into a new desired structure, each structure represented by the file type or file extension.

What is a file type or file extension?

Well it’s the identity of a file which is always available along with the file name at the end and must be started with the dot (.), for example my-resume.pdf, my-resume.docx, emails.txt, here in these examples you can fine each file name ends with some characters starting from “.” Like “.pdf”, “.docx”, “.txt”.

So as in above example the “.pdf”, “.docx”, “.txt” these all are the file types and file extensions, and these represents the file content structure and that only can be open from the specific software programs that can understand and read the file type structure, for example Microsoft Word can open “.docx” file, Notepad can open the “.txt” files and Adobe Acrobat Reader can read and open the “.pdf” files.

Do we always need all software programs to open any file?

Yes and no, because if you can convert any file format to other file format and you have limited software installed then you can open any file, but only if you can convert the file that is supported by your installed software programs.

Is it possible to convert any file?

No, there are thousands of file types and each file type is developed by their own developers and only specific type of software programs can read and open, but now we have file converters which supports 15,000+ file types to convert between them and it’s 100% free and online file converter tools, so you don’t have to install anything on your system.

Here are few conversion examples

About JeDok

Free online file converter tools for 15,000+ file types, instant and secure converter.

Online File Converter

These are the most polular file/document converters based on the user's review and usage on the FileProInfo.

PDF Converter
DOCX Converter
JPG Converter
MP4 Converter
MP3 Converter
TIF Converter
MOV Converter
GIF Converter
XPX Converter
RAR Converter

All Converters